Tamoxifen and Side Effects

Hi.  I have recently finished chemo and radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer.  The chemo seems to have brought on an early menopause (albeit that I am 48) and since starting Tamoxifen at the beginning of January I have been having hourly hot flushes followed by chills.  During the day I am forever either taking layers off and then putting them back on.  Also night sweats are really disturbing my sleep - I cannot remember the last time I slept through the night. I feel like I did really well coping with the surgery/chemo/radio - but the prospect of having years of these side effects could start to get me down.

Has anyone else had similar experience?  If so was there anything that helped?  I have been taking Tamoxifen in the evening, but am going to try taking in the morning instead to see if this makes a difference.


  • Thanks for your reply Brian.  It's good to chat to anyone with similar experiences regardless of gender.  I agree with you that you do have to keep your sense of humour - I like the idea of you and your wife being in competition, ha ha. I dread to imagine what you're both like during the night - the duvet must be dizzy!!

    I'm pleased to hear that your treatment has been a success, and I hope that the flushes don't last for 10 years.


  • Just a quick update regarding the Tamoxifen.

    I got a different brand of Tamoxifen from my pharmacist and am now on day 4 of them.  I cannot believe the difference this brand of tablet has made to me.

    I won't say that I no longer have flushes/chills, but the number and severity of them has halved.

    So thank you for that advice, as I would never even have thought of changing brands, or thinking I had a choice to.


  • So pleased that the new prescription seems to be doing the trick. Stay well.Jules

  • Hi Chocolate, im from Spain (sorry for that). Ok ...my wife was detected hormonal breast cancer also on ganclionar system with 36 years old. After Qt (4 AC + 4 Tx) , ...mastectomy and ganglionar surgery then after thar she was on 25 radiology  sessions.

    Right now she is on a Tamoxifen treatment, but this was not enough , because menstrual period come on her and oncologist recomend follow a additional montly treatment with zoladex. The onco, said us that is not a specific research of good/bad results (no results of this research). Then is an optional threatment for the patient. She is suffering now some side efects like , humour changes, sexual issues, depression,...and other things...then im wondering is it is worth takin Zoladex,...

  • Hi Chocolate

    I'm about to start taking tamoxifen and dreading side effects!!! Would you mind telling me what brand you were on and which one you changed to? Thinking maybe I could use the valuable info to get a head start?


  • So glad you found the brand change advice useful!! Wishing you all the very best with your treatment xxx

  • Hi Afaith,

    Firstly, please accept my apologies for what seems like a late reply; it is just that I have not been on the forum for quite some time.

    In answer to your question, some of the brands I tried were Wockhardt, Actavis & Teva.

    Unfortunately and ultimately, Tamoxifen just did not agree with me.  After 5 months the side effects I was having were just too many and I felt so bad that I told my oncologist I could not put up with them for a further 5 years.  Having said this, he changed my medication to a different hormone therapy drug called Megace, which I was dubious about initially as I had read the side effects of these were pretty much the same as for Tamoxifen.   However, I am very pleased to say, once the crossover between the Tamoxifen and the new tablet was over (it seemed to take about 3 weeks) I now feel so much better, and more back to my normal self.

    I know that Tamoxifen is a very good hormone therapy, and lots of women are fine with it, but if you are not, do not suffer in silence, do tell your oncologist and ask for an alternative.

    I hope you are getting on ok with your treatment.

    Take care

  • Hiya


    can you tell me what brand you changed to I may give it a try.


    many thanks