Fluid build up after Mastectomy

Hi all, I had a mastectomy last Wednesday, and my drains removed 2 days after the op, which was great, but now i am feeling pressure where my breast was and it feels like there's some fluid building up. I contacted my Breast Care Nurse yesterday and she said if it continues to get worse then call her and she can arrange for it to be drained by the surgeon who did the op (apparently the nurses are not trained to do it).

Is this fluid build up normal? and do I have to keep having it drained or will it go away in time? Surely the body should get rid of it naturally shouldn't it? I'd love to hear from anyone who has or is experiencing the same problems x


    Hi Joeyjo,

    Welcome to the forum. It sounds as if you have had a bit of a rough time. I am glad to hear that all now seems to have healed and that you are doing ok. Have you got any further treatment planed?

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi all. I had a mastectomy about 10 days ago. I have a small build up of fluid but what I am finding to be far worse at the moment is that I have had an allergic reaction to my wound dressing. Fortunately my wound itself is only slightly affected but I have quite a lot of redness and now have noticed a blister has developed. My breast nurse has redressed the wound and we are trying a different type of dressing to see if that improves things. I am hoping not to have to get the fluid drained and that it will eventually be reabsorbed.

    As this is my second cancer surgery this year - in July I had a hysterectomy as a result of unrelated endometrial cancer - I cannot praise the NHS highly enough for my excellent treatment. 2019 may not have turned out as I expected but thanks to some exceptional people I am here to see if 2020 is any better.


    Hi Magsst,

    Welcome to our forum.

    My, you have been in amongst it this year! I hope that you are recovering from your hysterectomy. It is unfortunate that you have had an allergic reaction to the dressing used.  Once the dressing is removed and a non-irritant one is used to replace it, it usually heals quite quickly. Take a note of the names of any dressings that disagree with you for future reference.

    I had a lumpectomy 10 years ago and a double mastectomy 9 years ago and had a lot of fluid build up afterwards. It had to be drained a few times before it lessened. Care teams are not usually that keen to aspirate unless it is really necessary, as it can lead to more build up.

    I agree with you. We are so lucky to live in a country with the NHS. It may be stretched, but I am full of praise for the exemplary care and attention I have been given in the past 10 years. Every day is a bonus and I hope that with their continuing care, I shall still be here for many years to come.

    I sincerely hope that 2020 is a better year all round for you. We are always here for you should you need any information, suport or just space to rant. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hello all,

    Happy New Year!

    Wondering if anyone could give me some advice regarding fluid build up/ swelling after implant reconstruction. 

    I had a mastectomy/ impact reconstruction in Sept 2019... it's been drained once due to fluid build up. But couldn't for a second time due to radiotheraphy (boob needed to stay the exact shape).

    I'm now 3 weeks post radio and notice every time i over exerting myself (walking for a length of time, running around with the kids, generally being more active than normal) my implant boob swells. There's definitely a link between motion and swell.

    Does this sound normal? Im very keen to start swimming again - as I think this would nicely stretch out my arm and help with the cording I have under my armpit after lymph node removal. 

    But I'm scared this increase in exercise will result in a massive, swollen, painful boob. Eeeeek!

    Any advice would be wonderful, thanks so much





    Hi Carrie,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are still having  trouble with swelling so long after your surgery. Have you phoned your breast care nurse for advice? That's what she's there for.

    I had swelling after my bilateral mastectomy 9 years ago and it had to be drained a few times in the first few weeks. I didn't have any reconstruction, so don't know whether or not this might delay healing. I know that doctors are reluctant to drain too often, as they feel that this can encourage build up, but it's certainly wort asking for advice.

    I started swimming shortly after my wounds had healed and it was the best exercise to help with cording. I don't think that swimming will cause any adverse effects, but best to ask first just to be sure.

    I hope that the swelling settles for you soon.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jlamine xx