Anybody out there had a basal cell carcinoma on forehead

Hi there I am looking to talk to fellow sufferers. I have had a reoccurence 2 years after initial diagnosis. They took away my skin graft and replaced with new patch. Waiting now for results. Not sleeping very well and very tired. Nerves jangling in my head. Back to work tomorrow hope it I can cope ok.

  • Ahh ok I guess I was quite lucky as was offered Mohs treatment within 2 weeks of diagnosis it's also my only one at moment fingers crossed ! I wish you all the best 

  • 2 weeks, wow, i have been waiting 1 1/2 years !!!!! if i had been offerred one that quick, i probably would have done it, but the fact that i have waited so long now, that i've kinda forgotten about it and the initial 'worry' of it has gone slightly as its been so long.... good luck to you, let me know how it goes, because i have just had my letter to get in touch to book the surgery and have 3 weeks to make my mind up, so let me know how yours goes please, as i might be tempted to have it if you say its ok to do.....

  • Yes I will do 


  • I have had a number of bcc's. Currently waiting for removal of one on my temple. About 5 years ago I had one right in the centre of my forehead. Dermatologist decided to blast it with a double dose of cryosurgery which did the trick. Awful brain freeze and headache during and after but that didn't last. The only drawback was it wasn't biopsied. I expect due to covid I will be waiting a long time for the treatment on my temple. 

  • I had mine above the eyebrow removed 5 months ago and still not had the results. I had 10 stitches outside and 4 inside that were dissolving so therefore haven't seen a doctor since. Have phoned 5 times But they say there is a backlog. I also have terrible headaches that worry me.

  • Hi there - I have just been diagnosed with a BCC on my forehead. It's just below my hairline in the centre of my forehead. It's a scaly patch 1 cm in diameter. I'm interested to hear your experience. I've been told I will need surgery and a skin flap. It should happen within the next couple of months. Can I ask how big your was and how you have recovered? Thanks 

  • Hi mines was about 1cm on forehead some as yourself. Stitches looked awful for about a week but after about 6 weeks you would never have known I had anything done. Hope this helps.


  • Thank you so much for your reply. That really helps to know what to expect. Sounds like I'll be hiding for a week! Good to know your stitches have healed so well. Thanks again. 

  • Hi

    i have breast cancer and then spotted dry spot on ear and had it cut out it's Basal cell too having stitches removed tomorrow they say only 5 percent chance will return so will be wearing factor 50 and hats from now on 

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