Hey .. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2023.. I've had a mastectomy on my right breast.. been through intensive chemotherapy and refused to have radiation treatment as simple it was to much trave ing as wasn't local to where I live. I was offered a new chemotherapy drug which I opted to take. However they messed up nearly every month on the delivery to my home and basically didn't deliver t meds .. so was left with no treatment.. I was offered a hysterectomy as my cancer was estrogen based to remove my ovaries./ womb etc. However I'm not menopausal I'm 47.. so was told I'd need inject ns to bring on menopause.. I tried the injections but made me really poorly so they was stopped and my cancer meds I wasn't receiving. So no operation for hysterectomy even though I've had womb can r cells already removed and high risk for ovarian cancer. My appointments for specialist I've seen 1 in 6th month's.. and was told oh you no longer qualify for that medication. And have basically en left with no help or support... and told take tamoxifen as that's all we can offer you.. I haven't been told I'm clear of cancer and feel like I'm in limbo .. tbf I feel like I've been forgotten out.. overall the level of care I've received is awful... even down to the simple thing like after breast removal.. was supposed to get a insert for my bra but never got them or the nurse checking o my welfare.. I'm bi polar and so overwhelmed with the lack of care and feel like I'm a burden when I ask .. I honestly think that I have been forgotten about and slipped through the system .