

I'm 44 and was diagnosed last year with with grade 2 BC.  I'm currently having chemo and had been planning on waiting to complete treatment before starting dating.  I've got 3 more cycles to go and am tempted to get on a dating app now as I figured this is part of my life now so why waste any more time.  

Any help thoughts or suggestions would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance

  • Hello Wendy.  If you feel that you are ready to take the plunge back in to the dating world, then you go for it.  Life is very short and no-one is guaranteed a tomorrow...........the only thing I would say is don't push yourself too hard, too fast.  You might find that you need lots of sleep and rest when your chemo is finished.  Good luck Wendy. 

  • Thanks chuck for replying, I appreciate it.  Very sound advice.  I agree life is too short to live with regret.  

    Thanks again 

  • I know quite a few people who have met their life partners via dating websites but also people who have had non productive/ joyless encounters ..  In your position I would probably go for it but have low expectations.  I'd view it as an opportunity to have a bit of fun and who knows what might happen as a result . ..

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it.   That sounds like very good advice.  I think not expecting too much is a sensible plan and if anything nice happens then it's a bonus.

  • What have you got to lose? Four months after meeting my partner on line, I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Her husband had died seven years previously of Motor Neurone Disease at the age of fifty seven. We have just passed our eighth anniversary of happiness  together. If you are thinking it, then go for it, would be my suggestion. Hope you are as fortunate as I was and am. John 

  • Hi John, thank you so much for sharing that.   Your experience really gives me c hope.  Fingers crossed  

  • Hi Wendy, your post here got me curious, I went through a rollerscoaster ride ...3 years back,  from the point of loosing my mother in Feb 22, theb got in to a new relationship,  thought it was going well, then by June 22 got diagnosed with Cancer... my partner was so good and supportive at the beginning....then she turned nasty and physically abusive towards me during my treatment.  3 weeks before my treatment was due to finish I had to get myself out of the relationship. You can imagine why... after almost 2 years , god bless, I feel I am in a better place mentally... Still finding it difficult to get in to a relationship, tried several dating sites... as soon I mention anything to with going through cancer... they seem to close conversations and ghost me. The worst is that I had some side effects from the radiotherapy which effected my speech a little. Life is too short to alone...wish you all the best and success in your search. Guess everyone has their own journey. 

  • Sorry to hear your story Shaq 1025, but I don’t think it should deter you Wendy. There’s good and not so good everywhere, but in my 75 years I would definitely say I have found there to be far more good than bad. I feel that  there must be someone for everyone out there, though of course we must tread carefully when looking for a partner. I wish you both well, and hope you find that someone special. John