Doxorubicin help

So I'm on 6 rounds of doxorubicin just had first round and feeling utterly exhausted yet not sleeping well. I'm on 14day cycles. Age 37. I've not got any family support and decided not to tell my kids but now with feeling like I am I feel guilty. Any advice how to get through this?

  • Hello Bir8712 and welcome to Cancer Chat,

    Fatigue can be a common side effect to cancer treatment so it's a good to speak to your medical team, if you haven't already, and there is advice on our website relating to side effects of cancer drugs and ways of coping. You certainly shouldn't feel guilty, but perhaps it might help to speak to your kids about what you're going through so they have some understanding when you're experiencing these symptoms.

    When talking to loved ones about cancer, it can be hard to find the right words, so a guide for talking to children about cancer was made available on our website. Talking to those close to you can help to process what you're going through and gives people around you the opportunity to give you some support, which we all need sometimes.

    I hope this will be helpful to you,

    Moderator Anastasia