advice regarding best toothpaste etc for sore mouth from chemo

could someone offer some advice about best toothpaste etc to use for very sore mouth from chemo. causeing loss of appetite and misery

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Chris9.
    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with a sore mouth from chemo. It can be such an uncomfortable and distressing side effect, it’s easy to understand how it could be affecting your appetite and overall well-being.
    While we can’t offer specific product recommendations, I’m sure others in the forum who have experienced similar challenges will have helpful advice to share. It’s always good to hear what’s worked for others, and there’s a lot of wisdom within this community.
    If you haven’t already, you might want to reach out to your healthcare team as well. They could offer guidance on suitable products for your situation, as well as other ways to help ease the discomfort.
    Best wishes,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator
  • Hello there.  So sorry to hear you are suffering in this way.  I am too, and, on the advice of a dental doctor, I have come off a fluoride containing toothpaste.  He says there is enough research now to identify fluoride as a neurotoxin and suggested that I (with Stage IV breast cancer) did not need memory problems on top of everything else.  I couldn’t disagree!  Anyway, I am now using Green People Fennel & Propolis organic toothpaste, which I really like and which I think is gentler than the mint based usual toothpastes.  I get it on Amazon.  Also, a gentle homemade  mouthwash of a teaspoon of salt mixed into a pint of warm water may help, and cutting down on acidic fruits.  Wishing you all the very best.

  • I found Oralieve ultra mild toothpaste good. I used all through y chemo as ordinary toothpaste made my mouth feel like it was on fire. Got it from Amazon. Not cheap by I found it extremely helpful. They also do things for dry mouth but they did not work well for me personally.