Hi im 33 now and have a husband and 5 kids whom i have been away grom so much because of my diagnosis and having to travel all over for surgery and treatment. . I was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer new years eve 2021 after 2 years of battling with lump growth and migraines and been told I just had a bronchial cyst and no further investigation. I had to push for more as I knew something was right, but the consultant kept telling me I was paranoid and he would remove the cyst as soon as I'm top of the list not long later i discovered a lump on the other side of my neckntoo. . Since having the first lump removed I have had chemo and radiotherapy to the head and neck . I had to have an ng feeding tube in my tummy and the daybafter having it fitted I had my first day of chemo and radiotherapy. Once the first lot of treatment was done things looked OK but a month later i had to be given another neck direction on the other side of my neck which then lead to me been told all was OK. Fast forward afew month and the bigger was back in my head and in my left lung. More operations and more treatment. My lung is now clear and my Nasopharynx is healing well. Now after almost 2 years of having clear in my neck the most recent scan has shown a lynphnode under my chin and in my left cheek. It feels like a never ending story and have yet to find someone who has had such a difficult journey to be ablento relate too. I feel mentally unstable at the moment as the new nodes that have shown up are not quite big enough to biopsy but big enough to be a concern . I don't know how to muster up yet more fighting spirit