Stoma Reversal

Hi, I had a stoma and bag fitted last february. I have finished chemo and my specialist has said there is enough left of my colon to reverse the stoma if I want to. Would it be stupid to say I am scared. It is an end colostomy and from what I have looked up so far, this one offers the more complications and risks to reverse. It says I could be left in a lot of discomfort and pain. From the wounds permanently. And also as a big chunk of the colon was removed I could also be left with incontinence. This is a hard one to take. When it was first done, I was told it was permanent, and me and my husband accepted this. And I have got used to stoma as best I can. It's still early days as chemo finished end of October. HAS anyone had this sort of reversal, and can they help, advise wise etc. I don't mind keeping stoma, as I said they told me it was permanent. But now I am being offered this. I am confused.

  • Hello Ellian

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently struggling with an unexpected decision about the potential to reverse the stoma that you initially thought was permanent. I think that it's perfectly understandable that you're feeling scared and confused about making this choice when you had already come to terms with the fact that this operation wouldn't be possible. 

    It's certainly worth talking things through with your specialist cancer nurse or the stoma care team if you have access to these services. 

    It can be difficult when we're presented with these kinds of decisions to know what to do for the best. Sometimes it can help to put down the positives and negatives in writing to help weigh up the decision. You may want to talk with your closest family and friends for support and advice. If it would help to talk with our nurses I know they will be happy to listen and offer any information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Whatever choice you make Ellian, I wish you well and hope that you continue to remain in good health. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator