Hi, I had a stoma and bag fitted last february. I have finished chemo and my specialist has said there is enough left of my colon to reverse the stoma if I want to. Would it be stupid to say I am scared. It is an end colostomy and from what I have looked up so far, this one offers the more complications and risks to reverse. It says I could be left in a lot of discomfort and pain. From the wounds permanently. And also as a big chunk of the colon was removed I could also be left with incontinence. This is a hard one to take. When it was first done, I was told it was permanent, and me and my husband accepted this. And I have got used to stoma as best I can. It's still early days as chemo finished end of October. HAS anyone had this sort of reversal, and can they help, advise wise etc. I don't mind keeping stoma, as I said they told me it was permanent. But now I am being offered this. I am confused.