I have a date for my first chemo I will be starting this Friday 7th. Does anyone have any advice or tips? Will I be feeling unwell that evening and will it last for a few days? Would should I eat/drink?
I have a date for my first chemo I will be starting this Friday 7th. Does anyone have any advice or tips? Will I be feeling unwell that evening and will it last for a few days? Would should I eat/drink?
Hello, I have had a number of sessions of chemo, I think it does depend on each individual. I do find that after my chemo I am tired for four to five days. My appetite is up and down just after ch o. I opt for the milk shake drinks with everything in. I use to get a sore mouth and pins and needles in my hand and feel, my chemo as been reduced and it's much better now. Wishing you good
I used to feel very tired after my chemo sessions and I would come home and get straight in bed. The tiredness sometimes lasted a couple of days. The first couple of times I had chemo I got pains in my legs, but when I told my medical team about it they put me on strong pain-killers which took care of the problem. I would advise you to take a book or a couple of magazines with you.......it can get very boring waiting for the chemo to finish. Good luck.
Hi Nightthinking,
Snap I start Chemo/Radio therapy today too! 5 weeks of this then 18 weeks of IV Chemo. I am starting on Capercitrabine and then start Radiotherapy on Monday. I have stage 2-3 Colon Cancer and am travelling hopefully that the initial treatment will be enough and I won't need surgery. Hope all goes well with you and we can maybe share experiences on our recovery journeys together?
Good luck!
Unfortunately my treatment has been cancelled as the PET scan has shown 'something' in my lungs and liver that needs to be investigated.
I hope today went well and you don’t get too unwell from the side effects.
Just remember your in good hands with our NHS and there are lots of people who will support you through whatever you go through
Hi how did you first session het
I hope your first session went well. Sending love
I was as right as rain and then hours later I crashed and at night my feet were so sore I invested in plush slippers and I drank water by the litre as the advice was to flush out your excess chemo and then when I was less tired three days later I would go and walk and it was like I never had a thing wrong with me .. and then repeat...with radiotherapy I made sure I practiced holding my breath as they advised it was helpful if you could for the radiotherapy to be effective and by holding your breath it helps separate your muscle tissue from your bones? Heart? Can't remember but I never left radiotherapy with any scorching or red raw skin just embrace your treatment try and stag away from any additional beds IF YOU CAN, if you can't don't suffer .take the pain killers the anti diarrhoea meds etc I suffered with chronic constipation but I kept on top of it ..lots of fiber weetabix prunes prune juice to keep ke regular chemo is tough but Listen to your body
False Alarm for me too. had to travel to the hospital to pick up the Chemo for the next 5 weeks! Start properly on Monday with Radio and Chemo.
Hope all goes well with your treatment