Side effects

Fifteen months after a two and a half week treatment of radiotherapy for breast and lymph node cancer I have suddenly developed skin problems around the area involved. It feels very similar in sunburn and is seriously tender to touch   Its also very hot. Is this normal? My tumours sre shrinking

  • Hi Wilmaco, 

    It's excellent news that your tumours are shrinking but I am sorry to hear you developed those side effects so many months after your radiotherapy for breast cancer and you can find out more about side effects of breast cancer radiotherapy on our website. 

    I think you definitely need to get this checked - if you haven't done so already - as soon as possible especially as you mention it is very hot and feels similar to sunburn. Your doctor will be able to tell you more about what this might be and crucially will be able to treat these skin issues so that you feel better again. So do make an appointment to see your doctor and mention you had radiotherapy fifteen months ago and whether they think it is a side effect of this. 

    I hope you manage to speak to someone soon about this. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator