Secondary with brain mets

To say I’m struggling is an understatement, diagnosed with very early breast cancer in 2022, no chemo as clear borders etc and just a year of Herceptin, I was told that the chance of it returning was almost non-existent, May 2024 I was told it had spread to my lymph nodes and battling chronic lymphoedema at the biopsy site, an eighteen week course of chemo started, after eight weeks had a scan as the lymph nodes had reduced so much to show there was no evidence of disease in my body but cruelly there were some small brain tumours, changed to a targeted therapy which has been difficult to tolerate with the side effects, the last scan showed dramatic progress and most of the mets had shrunk and there were only two very small areas left after three lots of chemo.  I know I should feel hopeful for the next scan but unfortunately I can’t look ahead to any sort of future, I haven’t moved on at all from the diagnosis in May last year, it’s definitely an existence and not a life especially with the side effects, how do I ever get out of this trauma and see any sort of life ahead? I don’t know who I am anymore compared to the person I was, there is no acceptance as it’s too terrifying, the few different counsellors I’ve tried don’t seem to touch the trauma I’m feeling, there is quite a back history as well of PTSD which has obviously flared up since the diagnosis, I suppose I just want some hope that a future where cancer isn’t the only thing you think about from the moment you wake up 

  • Hi Kazzy6220, 

    Poor you it sounds like you are going through such a difficult time. What a shock to be going through this when you were told the chances of it returning were almost non-existent and you then had to go through an 18 week course of chemotherapy to be then told that they spotted these small brain mets. I am so sorry that the targeted therapy was difficult to tolerate due to the side effects and perhaps this is all taking its toll after everything you've been through but it is definitely a great positive that the latest scan showed dramatic progress and most of the mets have shrunk and I am keeping everything crossed for you that the next scan will continue to show that things are moving in the right direction. 

    It sounds like these side effects are also having a negative impact on how you are feeling and is there anything that can be done to alleviate these side effects so that you feel a little bit better? Perhaps talk to your medical team about how you are feeling, the impact these side effects are having on you both physically and psychologically. It does sound like you are understandably a bit traumatised by all this and that all this has aggravated your PTSD. It sounds like you have a rather good understanding and awareness of how all this is affecting you and how it might relate to a past history and PTSD and this awareness and understanding is an important first step towards psychological recovery from this trauma. I would perhaps go back to your GP and ask whether there is anything else that they could suggest which might help you. Mention that counselling hasn't so far worked for you or that you need to see a different counsellor perhaps who has good knowledge of the types of issues you are dealing with and who can link it to your PTSD. I am sure your GP will be able to put you on the right path or trajectory so that you can gradually feel better. 

    I would strongly recommend also that you have a look at our section on mental health and cancer and we also have information on counselling and cancer which I hope will give you some good tips. There is help available and I wanted you to know you are not alone and other members of our community who may have experienced similar struggles before will hopefully come along and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator