I was diagnosed in Dec just before Xmas with bladder cancer,tomorrow I find out if I have breast cancer and I don't know what to do,to think,how to cope if it is cancer, I've gained a stone in weight,and my heads a mess,what can I do.
I was diagnosed in Dec just before Xmas with bladder cancer,tomorrow I find out if I have breast cancer and I don't know what to do,to think,how to cope if it is cancer, I've gained a stone in weight,and my heads a mess,what can I do.
I understand, my head is a mess too, every time i go to the hospital i get bad news . I dont know what to do either, i am trying to force myself to watch TV or read my kindle but its hard x
Found out December 4 waiting on surgery and more tests it's terrifying
I agree totally ,I'm waiting for my appointment this afternoon and I'm a nervous wreck.
Best of luck it's not easy please let us know how you get on
I completely understand. Every rime I get test results it's worse than I imagined. Tomorrow I have the full ct pet scan and Monday biopsies. I think of the worst outcomes and then cancer trumps me. A little bit of hope can go a long way though. A little bit of good news may come. What's for sure is the results whatever they say are not something we can do anything about. I'd give my life savings to change mine but I know the only thing I can do is keep rolling with the punches. We mustn't let cancer mess with our heads when it is already messing with our bodies. Take care and stay strong. Many cancers these days are not death sentences. Mine is and it really really sucks.
I feel my life is out of control and i cannot control anything. I don't want to be on this rollercoaster anymore. I have had enough.
Hi well I now have breast cancer to add to my bladder csncer,my head is battered,2 x cancer diagnosis in less than a month.
I'm so sorry. There's such good treatment for breast cancer . Stay hopeful