Lymphodaemia following lumpectomy

Struggling with tiredness. Started since being diagnosed with post-op lymphodoema in affected breast. No pain just swelling and inflammation. Doing massage with advice from nurse. Less swelling and inflammation but exhausted. Surgery Feb 24. Is this normal?

  • Are you seeing a specialist lymphoedema nurse? 

    I now have breast lymphoedema after lumpectomy,axillary lymphnode clearance and radiotherapy within the last eight months. I have swelling, discomfort and intermittent stabbing pain but no visible inflammation. I am due to have a programme of kinesio taping in three weeks time to relieve the pressure and to redirect the lymph fluid to the opposite side. I have spent several months massaging the breast and underarm scar but with little success so far. I am also quite tired but I put this down to the radiotherapy and hormone blocker Letrozole. Could these be a similar factor for you? Having something else to deal with after the cancer treatment is a bit upsetting as it seems that there is no permanent cure and it looks as if we shall just have to live with it!! You have my full sympathy.

    I hope the inflammation reduces. If not, please bring this to the attention of your nurse.

    Wishing you all the best
