After surgery

After my lung cancer surgery I got the all clear .. so why am I so depressed.. cry every day .. don't get dressed if I am not going out generally  feel  so down and can't pick myself up

  • Hi Marsh 317

    Thw feelings you describe are perfectly normal. When we are given a cancer diagnosis once we are over the initial shock , we go into fight mode. We get through the treatment , then we are told we are clear of cancer( if we are lucky). Then comes the reality- we have to face the implications of having had cancer. In many ways our lives won’t be the same. We will constantly be on the look out for signs of a return. I think you are going through an inevitable stage of grief for how life was before. You will get over it. Things will get better. Be kind to yourself. Hugs from Happyflower xx

  • Hi happyflowet

    Ty so much its a relief to know its normal ... thought I was going mad its hard but at the same time am grateful  that I got the all clear .. but now got to pull myself together and face life as it is ty again xxx