Hi, has anyone decided not to have radiotherapy?
I have had mastectomy with reconstruction (implant) and lymph node clearance. CT scan didn't not show cancer any where else. Entered optima study which recommended hormone therapy only.
Currently taking tamoxifen.
Mastectomy was in September. Lymph node removal in October. Tamoxifen for 3 weeks.
Appointment re radiotherapy this Wednesday.
What is the point of having radiotherapy now?
Would the possible damage out wiegh the benefits?
Also,which I know shouldnt be a factor but is, I need to get back to work!
Worried re making wrong decision. Has anyone else decided not to have radiotherapy?
Didn't expect call re radiotherapy, when I was speaking to the nurse re optima study she didn't think I'd have it as had mastectomy and reconstruction with implant.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I know the final decision ends with me but it's hard yo know which way to go.