
Been told I have a 2cm tumour on my liver, been feeling tired for many weeks, I am now quite if it's the right word depressed, cannot be bothered with anything 

  • Hello Hener,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's natural for this to have an impact on your wellbeing and your motivation to do things, so it might help to talk to your loved ones about this. While seeking advice from your doctor, the detailed liver cancer pages on our website may be useful for you to refer to and don't be afraid to ask questions at appointments. It's important that you feel informed on what's happening every step of the way. There is also some detailed guidance and advice around how cancer can make you feel, because anyone affected by cancer will experience these feelings at some point and I wish you well in navigating this at your own pace.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi Hener

    I’ve been diagnosed with cancer but waiting to find out the type. I also feel tired and I realised on Sunday that everything seems pointless. No point reading my book or doing my cross stitch etc. My husband said I sounded as if maybe I’m depressed, I don’t feel it but whatever it is, doesn’t feel great. I’m usually annoyingly optimistic as well 

    best wishes 


  • Offline in reply to S-a-l22


    you don't say where, I assume it's liver, however it's a big big shock to the system when you are told, I thought I could handle it with no problem but how wrong I was, then bang it hits you, how am I coping well I find there is no magic answer, and like you I thought it's pointless then I thought come on think of others as well as myself, and as the days passed I started feeling that I could cope, and I stopped locking myself away from people and started  acting a bit normal if thats the right word, just don't give up, I live in France, next Thursday  I have a 2 hours journey to a specialist hospital to talk about treatment and what they suggest to do then return for the treatment whenever, I speak limited French so it's going to be a challenge and to be honest it's given me a giant boost to take it on as mad as that may seem, I am saying to myself don't give up I urge you to do the same, I am thinking of you hener

  • Offline in reply to Hener


    I’m waiting to find out where but sounds like peritoneal. The results should be back from my biopsy from today. Hopefully will have a treatment plan soon 

    All the best