Dealing with Terminal diagnosis

I was diagnosed in May with a 'G.i.S.T.' (Gastro, intestine, stroma tumour) which can't be cured but managed with chemotherapy tablets, I also had a PR bleed and I bled out and nearly died in July, I had a procedure which clipped 80% of the bleed but I was told by my oncologist on Wednesday that if I start bleeding again I would only have months to live, it's the uncertainty of it all, my life has been completely turned upside down, I'm trying so hard to take it one day at a time and stay positive but I'm not ready to die at 52!!

My friends and family are extremely supportive but no one really knows what I'm feeling and late at night my goes into overdrive and I swing from 'why me' to pure panic of it all, I also feel frustrated that my body can't do what it used to, I'm constantly tired but can't sleep, anyone else feels like this.

I feel so alone and scared by it all.