Targeted treatment- Afatinib


my dad was diagnosed with metastatic NSCLC in April. He started chemo & immunotherapy which hospitalised him 3 times with sepsis and kidney injury. The treatment was stopped and his scans showed progression of disease. We were devastated at the prospect of the treatment not working and was there any point continuing if it was just making him poorly. The only option we had was to try radiotherapy but this would only target the mass in the lung and not the metastasis.

just as we were feeling like the world was against us, some miracle happened and we got a call to say his genetic testing had come back and they had found an EGFR mutation in his cancer which opened up more lines of treatment… someone was definitely watching over him! 

He has since started Afatinib (targeted treatment) and has really turned a corner. He looks SO much better. He has a scan coming up next month which we are anxious about given the last one came with bad news. Has anyone else been on this treatment and can give any feedback on the success?