Anyone had great results with immunotherapy

I was diagnosed with melanoma lump behind ear and lymph node swollen Jan24. Removed March told cancer. CT scan April no spread PHEW. Surgery May24 neck dissection 24 nodes removed 3 showing cancer.  July PET scan showing spread to liver and then Aug CT showing spread to lung and a mass around my appendix area. I'm 56 just become a grannie for first time and so mu h to look forward to in life.   

Now hit with all this.....I started immunotherapy 31jul24  I have had my 3 double whammy sessions of IV drugs one more to go first week of Oct then maintenence. I have never been so desperate for something to work in my life altho after research I realise odds are not encouring.

Anyone out there who has had good results with stage 4. I haven't had side effects apart from my thyroid first of all going sky high and now too low so on meds. Weekly bloods and I'm told they all looking good. My spread to my liver is aggressive and have numerous tumours largest being 7cms in Aug at CT scan.  Apart from tiredness I feel okay.

Looking forward to hearing from any other stage 4 melanoma patients....