Astrocytoma grade 3 brain tumour - does anyone have any success stories or anything that has helped them feel positive?

Hello all I’m James and I’m 36. I was diagnosed with a brain tumour in July 24, i had successful surgery 2 weeks ago with >95% out with no residual being seen on the mri. i was feeling positive as I’ve recovered well and feel generally quite well. But then was hit with biopsy results saying it’s a grade 3 last week (maybe 4 waiting on further results) astrocytoma IDH mutant. I have radiotherapy and chemo next month together to cover all outcomes. I know lots of people will be going through these horrible times and my thoughts and prayers are with them too. I was wondering if anyone has any survival success stories or anything that’s really helped them feel positive. I have a fantastic family, friends and partner but I find myself in a dark space a lot and I’m struggling to not feel on countdown mode, in particular at night. I just can’t be my normal self and the worry is unbearable. Any help or advice I’d be really grateful. 

  • Hello Robzytron

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been through surgery for a brain tumour and that the results after your surgery have been difficult to process. It's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed by things. 

    It's great to know that you have a lot of support from family, friends and your partner. Undoubtedly having that support network will stand you in good stead as you move on to the next phase in your treatment plan. 

    I'd really encourage you to reach out for some professional support. Speak to your cancer nurse specialist about how you're feeling. It may be that there is a specialist cancer psychologist you can be referred to for counselling support. They will also know about any other support services or groups that may be available in your local area such as Maggie's

    I'd also suggest getting in touch with The Brain Tumour Charity. They are a great source of support and information for people who have been diagnosed with a brain tumour. 

    I also wanted to give you the link to Shine Cancer Support. They are a charity that supports young people who have been diagnosed with cancer and offer services that you, and your partner, could access if either of you feel it would be helpful at any point. 

    Talking helps. It's great to be able to talk with loved ones but it can also be very useful to talk with someone who isn't directly connected to you. If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses I know they would be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    This is undoubtedly a difficult time for you Robzytron. You've made the first step in reaching out for support by posting here in the Cancer Chat community. I hope that over the coming days and weeks, you can access further support to help you as you continue on this journey. 

    Keep in touch with us if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing how you're feeling. We're here to listen and offer any help we can. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator