Bladder cancer

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 bladder cancer on the 31st August 24 and starting to get worried about the future,work and everything 

  • Hello Kev61

    I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis of bladder cancer. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about things. 

    What has the specialist said about a suggested treatment plan? Hopefully if you've not already had news then it won't be too long before the team are able to talk with you about the recommended next steps. 

    We have some information about bladder cancer on our website which you may find helpful and I'd suggest looking at the information about work and cancer on the Macmillan website as well. 

    We know that for many people the days and weeks immediately after a cancer diagnosis can be hard. If you think it may help to talk with one of our nurses then you're most welcome to give them a call. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch Kev and let us know how you're doing. We're here for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi jenn thank you for your reply sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you . I've had the tumour removed but have to go to hospital to have my bladder and prostrate removed in Oct er was informed yesterday. Everything seems to be happening very quickly  and it's hard getting my head round it all . My partner is also finding it hard to cope with the speed of things too