Loss of taste and smell - does anyone have any advice on how to manage this?

Hi there, I have been in chemo for 3 months but was changed to Doxetaxel and targeted drug this week. My tongue has suddenly swollen and have lost sense of taste and smell also constipated since Tuesday. How long does loss of tastebuds last for and what is the best thing to take to get my system moving.

have tried lactulose and the medicines provided by the hospital, am also eating figs and prunes and a balanced diet all to no avail. 
getting very uncomfortable now and wondering if anyone has any genius tips for me.

many thanks

  • Not a genius and can't help with sense of smell or taste but as someone who suffers from constipation after bowel cancer - What works for me is to go low fibre , no prunes or figs lol , no high insoluble fibre  foods like most fruit and veg and a hefty dose of milk of magnesia if kidney function ok. That you need to get approval for from doc as milk of magnesia v effective but not good for everyone 

  • Thanks so much. Good tip, but I think milk of magnesia probably no good for me as I do have kidney problems. 
    I think I should probably speak to the chemo team tomorrow and ask for there advice.

  • Good idea. I do think that high fibre foods don't help with constipation I also use a anal suppository called Lecicarbon. It produces CO2 gas and makes you go after 15 / 25 mins no nasty chemicals. Its not well known but also very effective , no cramps no pain. Was put on prescription for me by bowel clinic , along with recommendation of a squatty potty stool and diaphragm breathing technique.