Oesophageal cancer

Hi I had 6 runds of flot treatment which was very successful as in had a very good response also pet scans. Then when I was having tje oesphectomy spotted microscopical cells in stomach area . Now I have to get more chemo as they couldn't do the operation . Having folferi feeling fine on it. No side effects.

  • Hello Rebecca12, 

    Thank you for coming here and sharing your oesophageal cancer treatment experience with us. It's great news that your treatment was so successful and you responded so well. That's truly positive news. It must have been a little bit unsettling to have to get more chemotherapy after these cells were spotted in the stomach area but I hope that you will respond just as well to treatment and that you will continue to feel fine on Folfiri with no side effects. 

    Best of luck with the rest of your treatment and do let us know if you get a chance how you are getting on. I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and that they will be along shortly to share their treatment experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hi 

    I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with a tumour in oesophagus and require op to remove., but 4 cycles of chemo first - which I start next week. Great to hear your positive about FLOT treatment.

  • Hi you will be just fine if you can eat get plenty if nutrition and excercise all will be OK chin up keep positive even tough it can be difficult at tines goid luck x