Breast cancer diagnosis

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer although I am still waiting to find out exactly what type/stage it is. I’m 34 with 4 young children. I’m terrified and I feel I can’t speak to anyone around me because they keep telling me everything will be fine and I can see how scared they all are about it especially my husband, so I’m trying to put a brave face on it. I just want to cry all the time but feel I need to be strong for everyone else 

  • So sorry you find yourself here; receiving a diagnosis is a terrifying and worrying time. Have you been given contact details for the breast nurses? I've found they've been a tremendous support and they really understand the million emotions we are going through. 

    I really struggled with people telling me everything would be fine and had to really force myself to realise that they were just trying to help - no one knows the right thing to say! I had to explain to my husband (he is a 'fixer') that sometimes just letting me vent is all that's needed.

    I know it is a horrific time for you but try to remember that treatment nowadays is fantastic and has come on leaps and bounds - a diagnosis doesn't mean a death sentence. I'm through two surgeries and have just started chemo - it's scary but the team around me are fantastic and everyone agrees my prognosis is really positive. 

    Once you receive your pathology results and treatment plan you will hopefully feel more settled - the waiting for answers/information has without a doubt been the worst part of this process for me. 

    Best of luck xx