Feeling scared after abnormal scan

Not sure this is in the right forum area. Back in 2021 I had a orchidectomy to allow a biopsy of my left testicle. This came back as stage 1 seminoma. All further tests in the run up to surgery came back as showing no sign of spread so I was declared clear at the same time of diagnosis. 3 years on and in my latest telephone consultation I was informed that I have a abnormal lymph node in my left lung Following my last CT scan. The phone call wasn't very clear as I was struggling to find clear signal but it sounded like they said it was 1.5cm in size. They requested new tumor markers and have organised for a further CT scan to be done at the end of next month and a preliminary consultation date for 4th December.

Quite frankly I am terrified. I lost my father to lung cancer when I was in my 20s and it's terrifying me knowing that there could be something in the lung. I have a wife and 2 kids but as much as I'm trying to care for them I can't stop feeling like the worst is happening. I don't understand given the all clear on diagnosis how it's possibly spread or whether it's just dumb luck I am having the frequent scans but I just don't know what I should be feeling or what I should be doing. I've informed my manager and have a small network of friends, but I don't know how to stay positive, especially in front of the kids. Does anyone have any advice for coping methods whilst waiting for the results of the next scan and markers?

  • Hello Jeezer1189,

    I'm sorry to hear how you're feeling. Abnormal lymph nodes can occur for all sorts of reasons and it's natural to think the worst after hearing news like this, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better.

    It's great hear that you want to stay positive for your children and there are ways you can do this, such as focusing on other things in your life or the things that you like doing. It might seem trivial, but taking time for yourself and staying in the present is so important and will help improve your wellbeing. There are tips on coping with waiting for news on our website. I hope this is useful in the run-up to your next appointment.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia