Getting married while my mum has cancer

We found out a few months ago that my mum had cancer. We didn’t know what the outcome would be as the diagnosis had been very long coming around. So as soon as we found out my fiance and I decided to plan our wedding for 4 months time. About 6 weeks has passed and my mum was able to have surgery and they’re happy it was successful. She now needs a round of chemo. She doesn’t want the wedding to go ahead now as she’s worried how chemo will affect her. I understand her concerns but I don’t want to postpone because we don’t know what life will bring and I’m afraid I’ll have regrets if we postpone and then something happened and she couldn’t be there. Just don’t want to upset anyone but equally I want to have this day while I know we can. I’ve done it with the best intentions as we didn’t know what would happen at the time. TIA 

  • Hi Flower2024 and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I'm sorry to hear your mum was diagnosed with cancer but I'm so pleased that her surgery was successful. This must have been wonderful news to receive.

    Your reasons for wanting to go ahead with the wedding are complete valid Flower2024. As you said in your post, you did this with the best of intentions.

    Do you know how close your mum's chemo may be to your wedding? Everyone reacts to chemo differently and she may be one of the lucky ones that doesn't experience any side effects but as she's worried maybe you could both sit down with her medical team and talk through her concerns, and try to reassure her that whatever happens, you will do all you can to support her and accommodate anything she may need on your special day.

    Hopefully some of our members will be along soon to offer their thoughts and advice but in the meantime, if you'd like to discuss your mum's situation with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. 

    We hope your mum's chemo goes well and that you have a wonderful wedding day.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi my dad was diagnosed terminal lung back in 2013, my now wife and I decided to set a date shortly after we found out for the following October in the hope that the year he was given would be true. At the time he was on a break from the chemo and instead was having targeted radiotherapy on a secondary tumor in his brain. He was borderline wheelchair bound but was well enough on the day and created one of the best memories I hold dear to of him being raced across a field by my brother as the heavens decided to open.

    You are entitled to keep to your decision to bring it forward. Your mum is worried about not feeling well enough to attend but maybe try explaining to her that she isn't expected to stay all day if she isn't 100% on the day. Even if she is just there for the ceremony that's what truly matters to your and your fiance. It's great news that the surgery went well and she is recovering but remember it's your day. We all want it to be special maybe try explaining your reasonings with her. Steph's reply has a good idea regarding possibly going with your mum and speaking about the possibly effects chemo could have.

    I hope you're mum makes a full recovery and wish you and your fiance all the best for your wedding