Hi got my diagnosis three years ago keep getting told from hospital my bloods are good but suffering widespread pain, fatigue and dizziness have woken up today with a yellow eye just would love to have someone to talk to who has this condition
Hi got my diagnosis three years ago keep getting told from hospital my bloods are good but suffering widespread pain, fatigue and dizziness have woken up today with a yellow eye just would love to have someone to talk to who has this condition
You need to go to the doctor about the yellow eye to make sure it's not jaundice. The cause of which is vast. But it needs to be seen to, not sat on. It might not even be jaundice, but you need a doctor to tell you that.
Ooo yes I’m definitely going to ring gp tomorrow it’s got me worried I realised it could be jaundice.
foolishly I’ve started googling which l normally don’t do because it’s sends my anxiety through the roof but thankyou for your reply.
my Gp is really good but l feel she doesn’t really know about my illness l have so many questions and would love to speak to someone who is experiencing it
If it's just in the one eye, it could be a burst blood vessels. Those can be yellow too, just like a bruise. After all, PV can cause capillaries to burst, so that makes sense too. Jaundice usually happens in both eyes, so if it's just the one, it could just be nothing, but yeah, do get it checked out just in case.