Taking Letrozole

Hi I have been taking Letrozole for 5 months and have had various side affects.  Very dry skin, hair and feeling quite low at times.  Hot flushes and muscle cramps.

Any tips for coping with these symptoms?

  • I am a fellow sufferer having started Letrozole two and a half months ago. My flushes are not severe but I can feel suddenly nauseous and unwell before they appear. I try to sit down and rest when this happens and let them pass. I also have noticed that my skin and hair are drier and try to counteract this with lots of Nivea Soft and hair conditioner. The worst effect for me  is constant indigestion and abdominal pains with bloated tummy! I think this tablet has found my weakest spot which is a poor digestive system. I also suffer from fibromyalgia which causes muscle cramps in my legs so I don't know if Letrozole is contributing to them. Looking at the listed side effects, we are bound to get at least one of them but will have to put up with these symptoms for the greater good! Changing medication might be an option but alternatives seem to cause similar discomfort.

  • Hi Spring Flowers,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are suffering so much with the side-effects of Letrozole. The side-effects you mention are fairly common ones, but it is worth trying to persevere with these. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. First time around, I had a lumpectomy and followed that by taking Tamoxifen for a year. At this stage, I found a second cancer in the same breast. I had a double mastectomy and took Letrozole for 6½ years. I had a number of side effects, as well as the ones you mentioned, but this treatment has given me an extra 14 years so far. As a result, I would certainly do it all again, if I had to.

    Have you spoken to your specialist breast care nurse? She could prescribe medication to reduce some of these effects and also give you advice on what to do to help combat the general dryness. Mention the increase in your anxiety levels too, as you may need to take something to help with this. 

    Do you always get the same brand of Letrozole supplied by your pharmacist? Some brands seem to be more tolerable than others. If this is the case, you could ask for that particular brand of Letrozole in future. Some people find it easier to take their Letrozole at night, instead of in the morning - this might also help. Some people do find that the effects settle down eventually. Unfortunately, for me, they lasted right through.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for sharing your experience of dealing with your symptoms.

  • I appreciate your comments and sharing your thoughts.