Oncology, does that mean definite chemotherapy?

Hi all

I have stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer with a positive node. I have had a lumpectomy and cavity shave and was told yesterday they have achieved clear margins, thank goodness! I was led to believe that my next steps would be radiotherapy and tamoxifen (I'm 47) but I was told yesterday that the outcome of the MDT was that I should have an appointment with an oncologist to discuss.

I was previously a bit surprised that I wouldn't have chemo given the node involvement but despite that I was still a bit shocked when it suddenly became a possibility. However, the nurse said she couldn't tell me anything further about the MDT discussion as I need to speak to the oncologist.

So now I am waiting for an appointment (always waiting!) and still feeling completely uncertain about what the next steps are. I know if I am given a choice I will take chemo - psychologically I think the 'chuck everything at it' approach will give me greater peace of mind, but I can't help feeling like I'd rather just be told whether I NEED it or not. Such a complete mishmash of contradictory emotions :( 

My mother died of BC at 38 having been diagnosed at 29 (I was 8 when she died) so I suspect it may be my family history that is raising question marks about my treatment plan. 

I was just wondering what choices other people have made and if they are happy with their decision?

  • Oh yes, I've got the 'matting' of the hair too, sort of at the nape of my neck, had to carefully detangle as didn't want it to just come out! Wisps of hair are coming out, but nothing too dramatic yet!!!

    My injection was called Nivestim, &had to be taken days 3-9...it's an 'immune stimulating injection'! I've had an appointment thro with the oncologist for the 23rd(it says it's just to talk through how my first cycle was), so may ask if there's another way to take it! 

    Yes, people have said that the cycles will progressively become worse, but I just keep holding onto the fact that I'm one down, so, hopefully, only 5 to go!!

    Good luck for your next cycle xxx

  • That's exactly where mine is matting too. Expected to wake up with my whole head of hair on my pillow but thankfully this wasn't the case...

    Is nivestim the same as filgrastim? I've still no idea what's what, I literally just do as I'm told and take whatever I'm told to take. I'm sure they said it was to boost my immune system though.  I'm glad I just had the one! 

    You must be on a different regime to me, I'm having 4 EC and then 4 paclitaxel bi-weekly. The time between treatments seems to fly by, can't believe I'm back in on Thursday! 

    Best of luck for yours too, although I'm sure I'll be quizzing you about things on here before then haha! Xx

  • Oh yes, I've just had a look, &yes, I think Nivestim is just a different type.

    I'm 3 x EC, then 3 x Docetaxel, 3 weeks apart. I'm hoping it'll all be done by Christmas, tho how I'll be feeling is anyone's guess! I'm actually thinking of starting my Christmas shopping this week(which is uncharacteristically organised of me!!!!)


  • Good luck for today...I'll be thinking of you xxx

  • Thank you! Just getting myself sorted. Was going to send you a message instead of messaging here but can't work the forum haha. Hope you're doing ok and no nasty side effects have sneaked up on you? X

  • Great....I was thinking it would be nice to message more privately...but I didn't know that was even an option! I've accepted a request from u, so will see wot that means! U relax tho, and take care over next few days xxx