Oncology, does that mean definite chemotherapy?

Hi all

I have stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer with a positive node. I have had a lumpectomy and cavity shave and was told yesterday they have achieved clear margins, thank goodness! I was led to believe that my next steps would be radiotherapy and tamoxifen (I'm 47) but I was told yesterday that the outcome of the MDT was that I should have an appointment with an oncologist to discuss.

I was previously a bit surprised that I wouldn't have chemo given the node involvement but despite that I was still a bit shocked when it suddenly became a possibility. However, the nurse said she couldn't tell me anything further about the MDT discussion as I need to speak to the oncologist.

So now I am waiting for an appointment (always waiting!) and still feeling completely uncertain about what the next steps are. I know if I am given a choice I will take chemo - psychologically I think the 'chuck everything at it' approach will give me greater peace of mind, but I can't help feeling like I'd rather just be told whether I NEED it or not. Such a complete mishmash of contradictory emotions :( 

My mother died of BC at 38 having been diagnosed at 29 (I was 8 when she died) so I suspect it may be my family history that is raising question marks about my treatment plan. 

I was just wondering what choices other people have made and if they are happy with their decision?