Oncology, does that mean definite chemotherapy?

Hi all

I have stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer with a positive node. I have had a lumpectomy and cavity shave and was told yesterday they have achieved clear margins, thank goodness! I was led to believe that my next steps would be radiotherapy and tamoxifen (I'm 47) but I was told yesterday that the outcome of the MDT was that I should have an appointment with an oncologist to discuss.

I was previously a bit surprised that I wouldn't have chemo given the node involvement but despite that I was still a bit shocked when it suddenly became a possibility. However, the nurse said she couldn't tell me anything further about the MDT discussion as I need to speak to the oncologist.

So now I am waiting for an appointment (always waiting!) and still feeling completely uncertain about what the next steps are. I know if I am given a choice I will take chemo - psychologically I think the 'chuck everything at it' approach will give me greater peace of mind, but I can't help feeling like I'd rather just be told whether I NEED it or not. Such a complete mishmash of contradictory emotions :( 

My mother died of BC at 38 having been diagnosed at 29 (I was 8 when she died) so I suspect it may be my family history that is raising question marks about my treatment plan. 

I was just wondering what choices other people have made and if they are happy with their decision?

  • ...I am 48,& have had surgery to remove a 30mm 'invasive mixed ductal &lobular carcinoma' grade 2.  They took a biopsy of the node-it came back with 'extracapsular extension', that's why they have recommended 6 cycles of chemo xx

  • Oh our stories are quite similar! I don't know what extracapsular extension means but I guess it means it's ventured into the node? I was so shocked that there was node involvement, I just wasn't expecting it. My education appointment is on Wednesday, picc line on Tuesday. If you think of any good questions let me know - I feel like I don't know enough to know what to ask! Xx

  • I think it means that it's started to progress outside of the node capsule!!! They told me it would probably be radiotherapy, but because of the node they said preventitive chemo would help stop it coming back due to my 'young' age

    I know, I sometimes feel like I don't know really what's going on...I go to these appointments& just say that if that's what they recommend, then I'll go with it.

    Our stories sound very similar, so I will keep in touch. I will let you know how my Monday assessment goes(I don't even know if I'm having a picc line yet!!)&any questions I think of! Take care xx

  • Yes do stay in touch! I'll keep you updated with anything I find out too. I think I've taken the same approach as you too - if they say I need it, I just say OK! In fact when they first told me I had cancer I just sat and said OK thank you. They must have thought I was a bit bonkers Xx

  • Ha...yes, that's how I was as well. I didn't really know the right thing to say!!

    One of my main worries is that I am feeling perfectly fine at the moment, and chemo is going to make me feel rotten(even tho I know it'll be doing me good in the long run!!)

    I'll be in touch soon xx

  • Hi SharLou, just to let you know that I had my pre-assessment yesterday...I was there just under 90mins-watched a short video, had blood test&ECG. She went over everything so I couldn't think of any questions to ask. In on Thursday at 11.30 for 1st chemo...only going to take 30mins to administer it(I thought I was going to be there for hours!!!) xx

  • Ah that's good news that they were so thorough with the details! I've got my education appointment tomorrow, first treatment on Thursday at 9.30am. I had my picc line fitted today, quite a bizarre experience but not painful or anything. 

    Definitely getting real now isn't it!!! Xx

  • It certainly is!!! I'm having a cannula on Thursday...they didn't mention a picc line to me at all. I've chosen not to have the cold cap...but can change my mind on Thurs if I want to!! 

    Hope all goes well tomorrow, and I'll be thinking of u on Thursday!!xx

  • Hi, hope u got on ok today, had any questions answered...and feeling positive about tomorrow!! Xxx

  • Well I went and had a complete meltdown today! I've been relatively ok but then this morning I think I had an actual panic attack, sweating, shaking, light headed, chest pain, short of breath....I had to ring the breast nurse for support First time I've felt like that as I feel like I've been pretty calm throughout. Think it just all caught up with me and the thought that treatment is actually tomorrow just gave me a wobble. I've chilled out now but my chest still feels tight and fluttery...classic anxiety I think. 

    Education went well though, had a good talk through everything I can expect to happen. Didn't really ask any questions as I couldn't think of any!

    Hoping I sleep tonight. How are you doing, do you feel ready for tomorrow? I suppose once we get tomorrow out of the way and we know what it's going to be like things will feel a lot better. Hope you get some sleep tonight and best of luck for tomorrow! Xx