Prostate cancer side affects of HT

I have just had my second 12 week Zoladex jab. For clarity I am on my 13th week. At first I had no symptoms but over the last few weeks, I am getting severe sharp pain in my shoulders upper arms and in the hip area on. both sides. Strangely this only happens when at rest. If asleep. I am woken and automatically move about and the pain largely goes away. I then settle again and the pain comes back. This rest…pain…rest….pain cycle goes on all through the night. The only relief I get is when I get up to pee or sit on the side of the bed. As you can imagine my sleep is awful and I wake up a wreck! My Consultant has recommended Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and exercise. I do get plenty of exercise as daytime is normal other than weakness and pain when lifting. Ouch! Does anybody recognise this torture?

Regards Dave

  • I'm so sorry to hear about the constant pain you're contending with at the moment Dave, and how much it is impacting on your sleep.

    This must be very difficult to live with but I hope the advice you received from our nurses has helped somewhat, and that your GP was able to help you as well when you spoke with them about this the other day.

    We do have quite a few members with prostate cancer in the community, so hopefully those who have had HT will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Do keep posting if you find it helps Dave and remember that you are not alone.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dave,

      wishing you an unfortunate warm welcome to the forum.

    Would the pain be arthritis?

    I am on Aberaterone 10 months and I found one brand made my mild arthritis much worse, some nights I was very uncomfortable with hip pain, fine by day but it steadily got worse to the stage I had severe pain at times walking.

    I was told Aberaterone dries out the joints and can agrivate your arthritic ones, I then made sure I get the same brand each time and I can manage again.

    Just a thought, and I'm no expert, but would it be worth asking your consultant if a change of brand of Zoladex be worth a try? Does that type of hormone dry the joints?


  • Offline in reply to Jpmf40

    Hi dave sorry to know the injection has caused you this side effect i am on Zoladex injections too since april due to prostrate cancer  i too find hard to sleep at nights i take paracetamol sometimes to manage pain and use gels on joints and bones too it does help

    Best to dink lot of water i drink between 2-3 litres daily and keep daily walks

    hope you get better soon

  • Hi, Thanks for the advice, I will certainly give them a go. I had a 1:1 with my GP and he took a blood sample as he thought it may be PMR which could be an immune response to the injection……I hope he is wrong.I will keep you informed.  He did prescribe a sleeping pill AMITRIPTYLINE and last night was the first uninterrupted nights sleep I have had for years! Brilliant. BW Dave

  • Hi

    thats great i also felt GP do care if you are in pain and prescribe medications 

    injection caused me severe urinary tract infection and my gp gave me antibiotics for one week and gradually pain went 

  • Offline in reply to SRabb3

    I use comomile tea before bedtime to help me sleepy tea is so soothing you should try herbal tea also natural way to sleep