
My son has just been diagnosed with call and I don’t know what to do

if you google it talks in terms of survival rates but his consultant is more of the “you won’t die of it but with it “ type

where does he/ turn he’s only 35?

  • Hello NCC and a warm welcome to our forum, 

    I am sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis at such a young age. It must be really hard as a parent to come to terms with this CLL diagnosis. Have faith in the words of the consultant though rather than the unreliable survival statistics you might find when consulting Dr Google - it's best if you can to stay away from Google as it will invariably bring up the worst case scenario and make you worry for no good reason. Your consultant will have the full picture of your son's diagnosis so they will be in the best position to tell you more about what to expect from his diagnosis. Stick to reading authoritative information on CLL as for example our website's page on CLL and if anything is unclear you are welcome to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to answer questions you might have. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been diagnosed with CLL - there have been quite a few members who have recently been diagnosed as for example  who posted this chronic lymphocytic leukaemia thread and was looking to talk to others with a similar diagnosis so don't hesitate to respond to their thread if you would like to connect with other members in a similar situation. 

    I hope he finds out more soon about his treatment options and that he is feeling ok at the moment. Have a look too at Maggie's cancer centres - there may be one in your area where you or you son could drop by for support.

    Best wishes to you and your son,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator