Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in May and 3 weeks ago I had a lumpectomy. I have had bleeding and that since but when I went for a check up of my wound on Monday with my surgeon she had my results. The margins were not clear so I have been given 2 options for further surgery either go again and take more tissue to see if we can get a clear measure or to have a mastectomy . My surgeon has  told she will not reconstruct at the time if I choose this option due to my bruising and bleeding.

I live on my own and do not have family close by although I have a great network of friends but I do not know what to do as I realise the 2nd option will be so difficult to come to terms with but I am seeing my consultant again tomorrow and would welcome anyone’s experience of being in a similar situation to myself . 

  • Hi Charlie

    i am recovering from my mastectomy and reconstruction. I have to say the reconstruction is more debilitating than I expected. So I can see why they don’t want to do them both. My abdomen has been opened up from one side to the other. It’s taken months to get my strength back and I had the complication of another blood clot due to the cannula. So I had to have 30 days of injections into my thighs to thin my blood. There are lots of women opting to go flat. Perhaps you can find someone who has chosen this to help you at the moment until you decide what is right fit you. Take care. Xx