Had a breast mastectomy last Monday - feeling very low and anxious

I found out I had breast cancer 4 weeks ago and it has been a whirlpool got my left abreast remove last Monday I suffer from bi polar and I am feeling low and very anxious 

  • Hello Charlie1234.  What you are feeling is absolutely natural.  You have gone through a HUGE trauma.  Not only in finding out that you have cancer, but also in having your breast removed.  You have lost a part of your body, and you are grieving for that loss.  People will probably tell you that the only thing that matters is that you have beaten the cancer and you are still alive, and of course, to a large extent, that is true.  But that doesn't mean that you do not have the right to feel devastated by what has happened to you.  Have you got anyone that you can talk to?  Family or friends?   If not, you can always come to this forum.  The people here are very kind and compassionate, and also, because we are all in the same boat, we understand.   Take care mate, xx

  • Yes I have a very supportive partner and a very close knit family thank you for taking time to reply means alot xx

  • Taking each day as it comes I feel like I am  in limbo until I get my results back rmto see what treatment I need

  • Keep us informed Charlie.  Maybe you will need some radiation therapy to make sure that any stray cancer cells are zapped and eliminated.  It's never easy waiting for results is it?  But when you have a clear idea of the treatment plan you will have something to focus on.  Good luck, my thoughts are with you, and like I said, please keep us informed, xx

  • Hi Charlie, I am in the same boat but I had a bit longer to process the information as I had a lumpectomy first.  T they found more cancer so after chemotherapy I had my mastectomy and reconstruction 12 weeks ago. To help me mentally I have tried to plan little things look forward to. I have a dog, he is very good at distracting me and other than a few days when I couldn’t get out of bed I have to get him out two or three times a day to walk and I say hello to people on the walk if I feel like it. Animals are good for therapy.  Take care of yourself. You have a lot to get through, but you will be able to enjoy yourself again. Rest when you need to, try to get outside in the fresh air, find your happy place to sit and relax. Xx 

  • I got my results back yesterday good news ni chemo or radiotherapy I

  • That’s great news for you. I’m delighted. I’m waiting for Oncotype dx results next week to determine whether or not I need chemo. Stage 3 idc with lymph nodes too. The waiting is driving me crazy. Hope you make a full and speedy recovery ️‍