Adjuvant chemotherapy following bowel surgery

Hi . Lovely husband had bowel resection 6 weeks ago.

Two of his lymph nodes showed cancer cells so he is starting a cycle of adjuvant combined fusion & oral chemotherapy on Monday. 3 month. Has anyone any advice for me on what to expect as his carer 

God bless you all  

  • I had stage 3 bowel cancer 10 years ago. I had half my bowel removed and a course of adjuvant chemo both oral and infusions. I found the infusions difficult as I suffered badly with peripheral neuropathy which was a side affect. I also felt tired and the steroids made me gain weight. The positives to take from this are that adjuvant treatment is to reduce the risk of reoccurrence. For me it's worked 10 years on and still bowel cancer free. Wishing you both good luck x