Unfit for work?

Hi, I'm working full time, manual work, can't seem to summon up the energy to get through the day. Tried to find out about benefits but no luck because I live with my partner who is the homeowner. I get pip. Gt secondary breast cancer on my bones, I feel like an old frail arthritic. Keep landing in hospital with infections, antibiotics taking longer to work each time. I feel like I should be able to stay at home but finances don't allow. So that's making me depressed. Any idea how to get out of this spiral?

  • Hello Highland-cow

    I'm sory to hear about your diagnosis and the situation that you find yoruself in regarding work. It's clearly a very difficult time for you and understandable that you're struggling. 

    Have you spoken with the Macmillan Work Support Service or benefits advice team? If not then I'd reccomend that you give them a call and talk with one of their financial advisors about your options. 

    It's also worth talking with your GP or Consultant to make sure that all is being done to help keep you as well as possible. It may be that they can also refer you for some counselling support if you think that may help. 

    I do hope that you're able to find a way forward to help improve your daily quality of life. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator