EC 2.5 years ago now CT shows a 2mm nodule in lung


I started visiting this forum 2.5 years ago when I had grafe 2 stage Endometrial Cancer. I had a total hysterectomy and external n internal radiotherapy. 

Everything went well until last month. I had a CT scan and a 2mm nodule was found on my left lung. The doctor has arranged another CT scan to check it 3 months later. 

I wonder if anyone had similar experiences that they had nodules in lungs in their post cancer treatment checkups? If yes, what happened?

Many thanks! 


  • I'm sorry to hear about the nodule that was recently found on your left lung Chui. I know this must be worrying after everything you went through 2 and a half years ago.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had similar findings post cancer treatment will share their stories and advice with you soon but if you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040. Their helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to support you and answer any other questions you may have at this time.

    We're thinking of you Chui and will have our fingers crossed your next CT scan in 3 months time will show this nodule is no cause for concern

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi I had op for bowel cancer last year and CT scan found 6mm nodule and 2 smaller ones in left lung. Was told they might be age related and was scan 6 months later which showed no change. Booked for review in 12 months. So it doesn't always mean there's a spread. Fingers crossed for you and your next scan 

  • Thank you very much Jane-M! Your reply really helped me a lot. I have been googling so much that my anxiety waa really too much to bear. 

    I hope we are all happy and well in the months and years to come. Stay strong and positive. Enjoy a lovely summer! 

    Best regards, 


  • I had surgery and chemo for bowel cancer last year 

    At my 6 month check they discovered some nodules one of which was suspect 

    I was put on the list for a PETscan. Had a worrying few weeks wait but it came back. OK. No mestasis 

    Just some scaring and inflammation. Possibly from. The chemo. 

    It's only human to let your mind go to the worst possible outcome. I certainly did.. So many things can cause nodules or scarring as I'm sure you know, if the medics were concerned atall they would have done a Pet scan. They are just keeping a close eye on you as they are with me. I'm getting 3 month scans now.

    Wishing you the best 

  • Thank you for your reply Auntymay  

    Pleased to know your scan came back clear. I have felt a lot better after having 2 positive replies to my worry. 

    I can have a good night sleep tonight and am looking forward to enjoying a happy summer!  

    Best wishes, 


  • Just had my Cancer free notification but my final MRI highlighted nodules bottom right lung,my consultant assured me Not Cancer,the radiologist specialises on lungs and is confident ,it could be scarring(I am also asthmatic)so I have to have another scan (October)to see if any change,am I No point in worrying until  I know all the facts, of course it would've been fantastic to hear my cancer free news and just go on my yearly checks   just another part of the journey.I have a face to face end of october so I'll let you know, but if a consultant is confident and a radiologist is that's good enough for me,its easy to say dont worry,but don't until you know

  • I know exactly how you feel, I had seminoma 3 years ago diagnosed as stage 1 in remission as no spread from the affected testicle they removed for biopsy. My last scan result last week was told they found a abnormal lymph node in my left lung and want another CT scan done at the end of next month. It's terrifying to hear but and I'm extremely anxious about it as well. My minds calmed down a lot since last week and I've been writing a journal every day to get things off my chest. I'm awaiting the tumor markers blood test results as I might get to see them as my go arranged them before the hospital had a chance. I'm a very mild asthmatic so there is a possibility it's just a bit of scaring but it's still scary to think of.  I lost my dad 10yrs ago to lung cancer which hasn't been helping my nerves.

  • Hi.hope all goes well for you (and me)and anyone else reading this , you've given me a great idea.I dont talk about my worries and concerns,my family are just delighted with Cancer Free News(for them that's it ,all over)so I'm not bringing more worries into it,but what I will do (Thanks)tomorrow I'll start a journal and get it off my chest,I'm sure it will help (I dont know why I didnt think of it before)once again..good luck and thanks...and may our lungs just be scarred!

  • I didn't think of it first time whilst I was going through the diagnosis of my testicular cancer. Wish I had, gave me a great excuse to buy the kindle scribe id been eyeing up to help me in work. Been the best thing I've ever done. Don't write a huge amount but it's allowed me to put into words my feelings and thoughts. Along with just general what's gone on in the day. I share my my feelings fairly well with my wife but she suffers from depression so I don't feel like I can burden her too much for other own health.

    I'm sure it will be fine for the two of us. Fingers crossed for you 

  • I 100% understand,sometimes we look strong and have to be strong ,to help family and friends also deal with the situation..When I know my results I will add to the chat,