Recurrence of Myxoid sarcoma in femoral artery left thigh

I’m trying to find out if there is any immune treatments or a top sarcoma surgeon who can remove my tumour which is only 5cm x 5cm Plus 4cm deep encasing my femoral artery. Already had surgery and radiotherapy for a very large Myxoid sarcoma in 2018. The problem is I have a lot of tissue damage from the previous surgery and radiotherapy. I had stage 4 melanoma in 2000 and have survived that. Must have not been my time to go. So I have battled everything thrown at me since then. Still have so much to do with my life, hence reaching out the sarcoma community. 
Kind regards,

  • Hi Pitcher,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It sounds like you have been through a lot, and I can understand you are looking for more information to help with this situation.

    Unfortunately it is difficult to advise on this. Typically it will be your doctor/specialist who is best placed to advise on possible treatment options, or referrals elsewhere.

    Of course if others here have any thoughts to offer on this then hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    You are welcome to post in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum to get a reply from one of our nurses, but it may be similarly difficult for them to provide the information you're looking for.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator