Anal Cancer and tiredness

So I have recently been diagnosed with Anal Cancer and have been referred to a specialist hospital for my treatment. 

The tiredness has not just started happening but has been an ongoing symptom for a long time, I did become anaemic at one point and was put on iron tablets.

Does having cancer itself cause tiredness or would it be more in my head and myself over reacting? Apologies if i sound stupid just don't understand whats going on in my own body anymore.

  • I have sinonasal cancer - no symptoms except a blocked nose and loss of ability to smell. I was shocked that my symptoms turned out to be cancer and it's been a rollercoaster ride of scans and appointments and operations since. My point is, my type of cancer wouldn't necessarily cause tiredness, but everything we have to deal with, all the emotions and worries and waiting on results is really draining. I have days when I don't want to do anything because I feel so tired. So much emotional stress is bound to have an effect. I don't know if it's the same for you as you said you've had tiredness for a while, but now you've been diagnosed and have to go through this whole, scary process I'm not surprised your tiredness is worse. You don't sound stupid. Just be kind to yourself and rest when you can.