Plan going forward tomorrow

After first being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and having a lumpectomy and radiotherapy all seemed to be going well until last month when I went to the GP with a lump in the other breast. Everything moved on quickly and 2 weeks ago I had mammograms and biopsies taken. Was told that day it wasn’t good news.
Seems like an eternity to wait but tomorrow I go to see the Consultant to find out my diagnosis and plan going forward. Feel so fed up having to go through it all again. Don’t think I will sleep much tonight. Hopefully when a plan is in place might feel better. Almost got to the 5 year mark and been taking Anastrazole/Letrozole all this time. Also have PET CT scan booked this week

  • Thanks Nikki am dreading it really. There’s only one we will see face to face. The other two live a long way way. One will be a phone call and the other by Skype. Hope things are going okay with you and your family.

    Thanks for the kind wishes x

  • Hi there Maggie, 

    You do wonder if it’s worth taking the Anastrazole/ Letrozole. My friend who I met 5 years ago while we were both diagnosed with breast cancer has also had recurrence but in the same breast and had mastectomy. At least we have each other to talk to and moan about things

  • I would be more assured if they monitored estrogen levels thoughout treatment, its madness just to prescribe these pills without knowing if they are working. I can't think  of any other medication that's prescribed long term without follow up. 

    Its good to have someone who has been through it, this is why forums like this is a lifeline for those who who don't.