
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 - I had a left mastectomy a right lumpectomy and all my lymph nodes removed. I had 8mths of chemo and six weeks of radiotherapy. I was 11 years cancer free in February 2020. I had an ultrasound scan and an internal scan - they found a rare tumour on my left ovary, which was a primary Cancer and something was found on my upper back close to my spine, which is secondary breast cancer. They can't do a biopsy cos of where it is - so I have a CT Thorax and Abdomen Scan every 5-6mths. I had a full hysterectomy on 4,June 2020. I started on Abemaciclib, Fulvestrant and Denosamab in October 2020. The only side affects I have is severe diarrhea - I take Loperimide for it but it doesn't really work and my oncologist hasn't come up with anything else I can try. I suggested to him Kailin and Morphine but he said you can't get it anymore, so I just have to put up with the diarrhoea. I try to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and eat a healthy diet. Although I was on Denosamab up until May 2023 - it's been deferred because I had to have five extractions and other dental treatment. I'm at the dental hospital on the 12 April, I'm hoping I don't have to have anymore treatment, then I can go back on Denosamab which is for my bones. I'm having a full body bone scan on 10 April - keep my fingers crossed that I get good results.

  • Aww Squash, you’re having a tough time there.  Diarrhoea is no fun for anyone and neither is dental treatment. I know you’re the kind of person who will meet these challenges head on and come out the other side stronger than before.

    I will join you in crossing fingers, you got this, Im here if you need a cheerleader :)