MRI scan


 I'm 71. Psa under7. Psa d 0.14 I had a result of pirad 5 and now I'm scared.

 My gp has been telling me no action required for 2 years till last week I decided to pay for an MRI myself. I'm not sure if I am too late. 

  • Hello MrBit, 

    I am sorry that you are feeling a bit scared after your results even though your GP said that no action is required for 2 years but sometimes if we are feeling anxious about our health and need reassurance, it's totally reasonable to seek a second opinion or to consider other options to get total peace of mind. I hope that you will get the results of your MRI soon and that everything turns out to be fine. Do talk to your GP or another GP (if you would like to have a second opinion) about your MRI results and don't hesitate to ask your doctor any question or share any concerns you may have about your PSA or PI-RADS results. 

    Other members of our community may have had similar results and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator