I'm stage 3 metastatic melanoma. When will it stop?

I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in November. I've had 2 surgeries now and I'm stage 3 metastatic melanoma. Scans post surgery and lymph node biopsy seemed positive and we think they got it all and didn't go past the lymph node.  So I've agreed to a year of immunotherapy which is due to start in the next couple of weeks. I'm really worried about how that's going to affect me. 
I'm 10 weeks post surgery and have my 3rd infection now on my scar site.  I just don't seem to heal right. I'm so miffed with being in pain and being unreliable for work. I feel like it's taken over my life. 

  • Hi Kyla73, 

    Thank you for sharing your metastatic melanoma story - I hope you won't mind but I have edited the title of your thread slightly to include the words 'metastatic melanoma'; this will ensure your thread is more easily spotted by others who have deal with a similar diagnosis in the past. It's great news that scans post surgery and lymph node biopsy were so positive and I hope that the immunotherapy treatment will be a success. It's normal to be worried when starting a new treatment and I thought I would share with you information from our website on targeted cancer drugs and immunotherapy for stage 3 and 4 melanoma

    How unfortunate that you are having to deal with a third infection on your scar site 10 weeks post surgery - I hope that it will heal completely and that the pain subsides too. I can imagine you are feeling rather frustrated that this is taking over your life and I keep everything crossed for you that things will improve with immunotherapy. You have come to the right place to meet others affected by melanoma as many members of our forum have extensive experience of melanoma - one name that inevitably springs to my mind is the lovely  and I hope that someone who has been through something similar before will drop by and share their story with you. It helps to talk to others who are or have found themselves in a similar boat. 

    Wishing you the very best of luck for the start of your treatment!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie for the kind mention.

    Hi Kyla,

    I'm sorry you are having such a hard time of it. I too found healing difficult after my groin/pelvic node clearance. Two weeks post surgery I got a seroma, cellulitis and lymphoedema within days of each other! However, I was treated quickly & successfully and I eventually recovered from the traumatic surgery. It may seem never ending at the moment but it will settle down & you'll get through this. I've sent you a friend request so we can chat by pm if you would fine it helpful.

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Kyla73 how are you doing now I hope things have improved I'm about to start my journey 

  • Hi Sally

    unfortunately, I got my recent biopsy results yesterday from a lump I found in my groin. Confirmed melanoma again. I'm to carry on with my immunotherapy and have a further PET scan then they will decide what to do. Im goimg to request a full groin dissection I think.  The immunotherapy itself hadn't been as awful as anticipated. A few very minor side effects only and I'm pleased I'm lucky enough to be having it. Contact me anytime. 

  • Hi Kyla 

    I'm sorry to hear about the lump. I will be having the full lymph node removal on 22 August. Then it'll be the immunotherapy via the iv drip I believe there are a few different types. Thank you for replying. Keep me posted of your journey its good to speak to someone else going through this 

  • By full lymph node removal do you mean multiple nodes?  A full groin dissection or the affected lymph node? 

  • A full groin dissection. The melenoma is Metastatic from an original melenoma I had 8 years ago so they've advised this is the best option now. I'm scared but hoping it'll prevent further spreading 

  • That must have come as a big shock after 8 years. This disease is full of surprises, I'm learning. I hope your op goes well. I know it's a big surgery so you'll need lots of healing time. Be kind to yourself. I don't know if we're allowed to share numbers on here.

  • Thank u hun ille keep u posted.