Ovarian Cancer Stage 3 - bad reaction to chemo

I’ve had two rounds of chemo so far but have had bad reactions to two drugs so I’m now just on carboplatin. Worried this is going to affect my prognosis. I know it’s treatable but not curable. Been suffering from a lot of abdominal pain for the last three weeks. I’m really struggling with all this stuff. Oncologist and cns not saying much to help. Anyone had similar issues? Thanks   

  • Hello livica

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the reaction that you've had to treatment. It sounds like it's been a really difficult time and it's understandable that you are struggling with things. 

    I'm sorry that the Oncologist and CNS haven't been able to give you the answers and reassurance that you had hoped for. Sometimes health professionals simply don't have answers to your questions and that can leave us feeling more worried and unsettled. 

    Hopefully, as you continue through the newly revised treatment programme some of the information will become clearer and the team will be in a better position to talk to you about your prognosis. 

    In the meantime, if you think it may help to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays). I'm sure they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. 

    I do hope things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator