Just over 4 years ago,I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer,during the start of the covid pandemic,I underwent 4 rounds of FLOT chemotherapy,then a 2 month wait for Ivor Lewis surgery,I spent 10 days in ICU.Returned home while I gained strength before another 4 rounds of FLOT chemo .
I was told if I get to 2 years,I’ve probably cracked it ..then 2 years 4 months later I lost my voice,was sent for a CT scan after being told it’s probably a viral infection,however results revealed it has returned to the same area and now inoperable,I have since had 6 rounds of CAPOX chemotherapy which was incredibly hard going ..and after another CT scan revealed had spread slightly to lymph nodes.
I was then given 10 rounds of radiotherapy,and currently awaiting results of what situation I am in now ..I feel like I’m running out of options,still hardly any voice 18 months later and now a continuous dry cough
is anyone else out there in similar circumstances,Regards Marc aged 63