Hello Kellymarie,
l know just how hard this will hit you, l am a stage 4 bowel with spread to the liver survivor and ran the excruciating mental gambit over a good many years. Whilst finding Macmillan helped on the financial advice my sanity and mental acceptance of my situation was salvaged by the warmth, kindness and understanding from my visits to a Maggies centre. At my lowest point the oasis of peace and no pressure was exactly what l needed to calm my very troubled mind.
My words are a very poor descriptor of just how much of a lifesaver it was for me, that l am here able to write this is in no small part to the wonderful people there that gave me peace and strength to see me through to the other side, l hope you manage to pass through their doors and can gain as much from doing so as l did.
Take good care of yourself with the help of others,