Surgical/early menopause

I originally posted this on Ask the Nurses but it was suggested I post here too as people may have experiences to share...

I'm looking for any experiences/guidance  on surgical menopause, coping with it and also the impact of it on long term health.

I have recently been diagnosed with granulosa cell cancer of the ovary. One of the treatment options is total hysterectomy, which would obviously put my into surgical menopause. I am 32. Because the cancer is oestrogen receptive I've been advised I would not be able to have HRT.

I know that early menopause can put you at risk of health conditions down the line, but struggling to find any information about the level of risk, anything that can be done to mitigate risk and also the alternatives to HRT. 

Any advice gratefully received! 

Sunflowergirl x

  • Hello Sunflowergirl123,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Here's some information on early menopuase here and what you can expect from a hysterectomy here. Hopefully members with similar expereinces can reach out to you and the About Cancer pages are available whenever you want to refer to them. It's important to talk through your options, questions and any concerns you may have with your doctor as they'll be the best person to speak to.

    All the best with your decision and let us know how you get on,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi  I hope it is ok to message you. I have recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer (a different type to you) but am due to have a hysterectomy in two weeks. I’m 40 but will also have surgical menopause/no HRT. I wondered if you found any tips or anything you could share please? Thank you and take care.