Oral cancer - finished radiotherapy 6 weeks ago but still feeling rather sick. Any advice?


just joined, 

I have base of the tongue cancer & finished radiotherapy about 6 wk ago, but I still feel so unwell feel sick most day & only able to sip water 

food fed through peg & still not able to eat orally. 
any advise? 
thank you 


  • Hello Marti64, 

    I am so sorry to hear that 6 weeks post radiotherapy treatment for tongue cancer, you are still feeling unwell and only able to sip water. Poor you I hope that you will soon be able to eat again. Feeling sick is often a side effect of radiotherapy treatment for oral cancer as you will see on this page. Our page on Cancer and Sickness will give you some helpful tips to help you manage this sickness. Do talk to your medical team about this sickness you have experienced and they will also be able to advise you further on when you might be able to eat again and how long it might take you to fully recover after treatment. The recovery can be a long process and it can be really difficult not to be able to eat properly and to feel like you are taking small gradual steps but I hope that you will soon start feeling better, that the sickness will disappear and that you will be able to enjoy food again very soon. 

    Feel free to get in touch with our cancer nurses for advice on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Their phone lines are currently closed from 5p.m on 29th December to 9a.m 2nd January but they will reopen on the 2nd of January at 9am. 

    We have had so many members of our community who have had treatment for tongue cancer in the past and who have used this forum for support through their recovery and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. I had a little look for past threads you might be interested in and found for example   who posted here before and who will certainly relate to the difficulties you may have encountered post treatment. I hope you will manage to connect with other members who have been through something similar before and who are now a lot better. 

    I hope that you feel better soon and manage to talk to someone about your sickness - as it's a time of year when it can be hard sometimes to get hold of your GP, feel free also to ring 111 for medical advice out of hours if this sickness gets worse and you feel you need some advice on the next steps of your recovery. 

    Wishing you a full and quick recovery. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator